
05/2023 - 07/2023

Project description

ProjectsChain is a plugin developed in order to be integrated with already existing e-shops of industrial designs and is able to grant, through blockchain and smart contracts, the intellectual property of the projects and a fair royalty distribution between coauthors of a final project.

The straightforward and transparent mechanism developed also will prevent non-payment and miscommunication risks, representing common scenarios among freelancers.


Team and role

Team size: 3

  • I was responsible for the design and implementation of a web server and related RESTful APIs that performs CRUD operations against a properly configured NoSQL database (Redis), which are critical for the pre-mint operation, IPFS upload and catalog fetching.
  • I proposed and implemented a digital signature mechanism into the server code and into Master smart contract.
  • I was responsible for the Chainlink node setup and Chainlink jobs configurations together with the CustomChainlinkClient smart contract development and integration with ProjectNFT.
  • I contributed to the initial high-level smart contracts design together with final smart contract optimization and testing

Tech stack

HTML CSS JavaScript Vue Web3JS
Solidity Chainlink
NodeJS ExpressJS Redis